Love and Commitment
I found myself pondering this question for the last few days…why? My husband and I have noticed that there is an alarming increase in the in the number of separations and divorce among our friends and acquaintances. It has always been my belief that people in Hollywood didn’t understand commitment and certainly didn’t know a thing about love, but sadly the same level of divorce seems to be becoming a part of everyday society as well.
Don’t get me wrong, there are times when a divorce is inevitable, but I truly believe that some marital problems can be resolved and the couple remains in a happy and committed marriage. One of the main problems resulting in this increase is a failure to communicate with each other. As my mother would say, ‘teeth and tongue will meet’, so yes, couples will quarrel and have disagreements but they should be committed to finding a solution or at least a middle ground from which to sort their problems out.
As I approach my 7th wedding anniversary, I find myself pondering this whole matter of love and commitment. Love cannot sustain itself…it takes work. Couples need to appreciate each other and celebrate their differences as well as their commonalities. Because you’re married doesn’t mean an end to the courtship days of dates and little surprises. Yes, children can put a damper on the frequency of going out, but be creative. After the little ones or not so little ones are in bed, have moonlight snack. Reminisce about the ‘good old days’ when your love was ‘brand new’.
So I leave you with this for today:
Promise yourself to rekindle the passion of first love --- it’s possible.
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