Rescuing the Black Man
Rescuing the black man…June 18
I watch the news in my native Jamaica, I watch the news on NCB 4 and I cry. I watch and pray when a crime is being reported. I pray, “Dear God, don’t let him be black”…so sad for a proud black woman to see the face of crime and violence and so often it’s the face of a ‘black man’. I cry for the black man and know that we, the black woman are partially to be blamed for his slow and steady demise.
Mothers, we’re to be blamed for justifying the wrongs of our sons. What happened to the days when if your child took home a pencil you didn’t provide they had to return it or ELSE? Wives/girlfriends, what happened to encouraging our men to do the right thing? When did we lose our souls and accept the ill-begotten fruits of their stealing, rape and murder? When did we begin to truly lose the black man?
Did it begin with the murder of Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr? Was it the drug trade? Did we begin to lose our men when we were willing to become ‘baby mothers’ instead of wives? Did it all start when we reverted to back to the days of slavery when the men were studs who were expected to make babies with us for slave labour?
This is a plea from a black woman, who is the wife of a good black man, mother to a black son, sister to black brothers, aunt to black nephews…WOMEN let us get our men back. Let us stop blaming the system for what is happening? Aren’t you tired of seeing our men imprisoned, murdered by their own, by the state, by their own hands? Each day, a black child is left fatherless, and in my beautiful island home, motherless because their parents are being murdered. I know that I’m tired, but I can’t do this alone.
Please, don’t tell me that there are no good black men, because there are…I see them everyday. But you know what, there can be more…WOMEN LET US RESCUE OUR MEN!!! Let’s bring back the black family…
You know, Jess, it's really comforting to hear you say this. I mean, what went wrong? I'm thinking poverty has a lot to do with it in this country. White men as well as black men. I was watching America's Funniest Videos last night. There was the cutest little boy (in this case, he was white)and I really wasn't paying too much attention to what was being said, but what was in the background. It was obviously Easter. The little boy had on a suit. Probably either going to church or getting back from church. Then I got to thinking...the children that are raised in a church-like atmosphere do way better in the long run than the children who do not. I've raised my children the best I knew how. We were too busy trying to figure out where our next meal was coming from to worry about going to church. So far my kids are doing fine as far as not getting into trouble, but I'm thinking we're not the norm. Anyway, back to this kid on America's Funniest Videos. Sorry to make this so long but there's a point to it. They showed his family in the audience. All were well dressed. Very well dressed. The kid's twin sister had on a dress you knew came from an expensive store. The parents were so...parently. When Bob Sagat asked the parents if they ever fought..the parents said really they didn't. You could tell these kids were brought up in a good home. Look at the family closer. There was a mom and a dad and it looked to me that they had strong spiritual values. I see these kids not breaking into stores or killing their grandmother or all those other ghastly things you hear about. I see these kids with parental support so that they are guided to become fruitful, independent and a credit to our society. So what is this message telling us?
Please, don’t tell me that there are no good black men, because they are…
I wouldn't dream to say there aren't any. I know there are. I have to agree with what both you and Dot say. There's got to be a way, something. I haven't a clue as to what, though.
Thanks ladies. There is a way, but we need families again. Mother and father together raising their children. I grew up poor, am still poor, but the values instilled in us as children are guiding my life and that of my siblings.
We had to go to Sunday school. We had to show respect to our elders and each other.
Yes, the endless cycle of fatherless children...what can we as women do?
Kathy Holmes is right. Its not poverty, its missing fathers.
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