The Stereotypical Black Character
I don’t know about anyone else, black or white, but I’m tired of the typecasting of black characters. It’s about time black actors and actresses start showing some guts and refuse roles that demand this type of behaviour.
Just this weekend I was watching Transformers and while I didn’t mind the movie, I hated the first scene with Anthony Anderson acting like an idiot. As a matter of fact I am sick to the stomach of black characters playing hip-hop loving dolts all the time.
I must admit that I don’t watch a lot of TV, but I just happened to see a piece of “Corey’s in the House” and was saddened by what I saw. I at least expect better from Disney; maybe ten years ago that show would have been funny, now it’s just dumb – spin-offs are not always a good thing.
Come now, if Hollywood won’t offer you, the black actors, roles that are not insipid why not make your own movies. If not for yourselves, at least do it for future generations. It can be done!!!
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