Life, Baby, Work and Writing
The above is not in order of priority...of course life is important and my family, including my husband and son are tops, work and writing or interchangeable. As a matter of fact I'd be so happy to take work out of the equation all together, but bills must be paid. Oh, to be able to one day pay the bills from my writing alone. Ah, well, perchance to dream.
Should be at work today, but I'm not well, plus DH (Dear Husband) isn't feeling too hot either, so I have to stay home and help take care of Jalen. I don't mind...I wish I could spend all my time at home. Luckily my project is almost completed and if I can get the WINISIS Database installed I should be able to complete setting up the library in another 3-4 weeks.
The water situation is a little better, in that, there is water most days from 8PM to 5AM. Of course that means doing the laundry at night or in the pre-dawn hours. Anyway, I'm grateful for small mercies, so thank you NWC...I think.