Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Green Lizard on a Banana Leaf

Anyone who knows me knows that I’m terrified of lizards. Yeah, I know they are innocent little creatures and that they can’t hurt me. It’s just one of those things that I’m afraid of. Interestingly, growing up in Jamaica I used to catch the creatures with my brother, Henry and his friends. Of course, once I caught them in, I’d drop the bamboo snare and run for my life. It was up to them to release them.

I remembered tearing my dress off on two occasions because, you got it, lizards dropped inside. Once I had gone to enjoy the river and scenery at Castleton Botanical Gardens, St. Mary. Another time, I was at home and feeling idle, I used a sledgehammer to knock the trunk of a breadfruit tree. These incidents showed me that fear can take away other inhibitions.

My poor husband, earlier in our marriage, would have had to find any lizards I had seen before I could go to sleep. I’m not that bad anymore, I’ll go to sleep if I don’t see one in my bedroom. So where am I going with this? After all, lots of people have fears, so what’s the big deal? I’m getting there, but stay with me a little bit longer.

Yesterday, while outdoors I saw a green lizard sunning itself on a banana plant. For the first time ever, I noticed that they are beautiful. As I stood there looking at him, I noticed the frill on his throat as it flared in and out. The way its colour changed as he sat there taking in the rays of the sun. In that brief moment, I saw so many variations of green between my lizard visitor and the green banana leaf. I wished I had a camera with me, I wanted to capture that moment forever.

So, am I still afraid of lizards? I am, but the fear seems more muted now. But, only when I come face to face with one again will I know for sure if that moment in which I saw its beauty will last.

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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Being Thankful for Life’s Challenges

I realize that we sometimes get so caught up we cuss when we face some of life’s challenges. Even the smallest thing can sometimes get our goat. Today, I’m resolving to be grateful for life’s challenges for many reasons.

Challenges help me garner experience; if I made a bad decision once, when faced with the same situation in the future, it is unlikely that I will make the same mistake again. There is more than a little truth to the old adage experience teaches wisdom

While I know that many people have lost their jobs and it has caused all sorts of financial challenges, I know more than a few for whom being fired has been a blessing in disguise. Just recently, a young woman I know with four kids to take care lost her job. I was worrying about her, even though I knew she didn't like the job she had. A few weeks later, she landed another job, but even better, she was earning almost two-times what she was before. Others have taken the loss of a job as a sign to reinvent themselves or to do something that they always wanted to do. 

Sometimes, a bad experience we have makes it possible for us to one day help someone who faces a similar challenge. When I talk to others, I realize that I would much rather be dealing with the issues that I have than the ones they are facing. Yes, I may not have the funds I need to do something to my house, but some people do not have anywhere to live.

Thankfulness doesn't always mean being grateful for the blessings and good things in life. Plus, there are some healthy benefits to being thankful, so why spend time worrying and being resentful about the curve balls life throws at you. I normally try to write down the things I’m grateful for at the end of each week. When I looked back, I realized I was always writing down the nice things, the positive things – but now I also need to make note of the not so nice things as well.

Focusing my energies on the things that are wrong or on what I do not have will drain me. If I’m left too tired to focus on what really matters or just being grateful for the good things, I will not have the energy to work on getting things right.

1 Thessalonians 5:18: Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

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Saturday, October 13, 2012

My Son: The 8-Year Old Artist

I was struggling to decide what to write as I aim to complete the Ultimate Blogging Challenge for October. As usual my son, Jalen, came to the rescue. He’s my muse when I want a topic to write on. His innocent question, “Mom do you think my work can be shown in a museum?” was all that I needed. He’s a creative child, which is not surprising as his dad is a graphic artist and amateur writer. 

Jalen loves music and has sporadically shown interest in playing the guitar and his former tutor says he has a natural talent. He also has a love of drawing, painting and writing poems, but again he is never consistent – he does these things in spurts. Maybe, he will come into his own as he grows and settles down to one or the other. As a mom I want to see him excel at all or even one of these things, but I will not pressure him. 

As any mom would, I told him not yet, but one day who knows what will happen. He then took his latest painting to show me. Of course I thought it was beautiful and told him so. Knowing that I am always online, he asked if I could post it on Facebook for him. So this is me, keeping my promise to my little artist while fulfilling my blogging goal. 
Bright Skies by Jalen Crooks

I took the opportunity to explain to him the value of practicing to get better at what we love. I don’t know if it registered fully, but who knows what the future holds.

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Sunday, October 07, 2012

Batteries Not Included!!!

This morning as I started my day, I read a post by PeggyLee Hanson a participant in The Ultimate Blogging Challenge for October 2012.  It was such a timely reminder that we periodically need to recharge our batteries so as to be happy in all areas of our lives.

To read PeggyLee's article following this link.