Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Life, Baby, Work and Writing

The above is not in order of priority...of course life is important and my family, including my husband and son are tops, work and writing or interchangeable. As a matter of fact I'd be so happy to take work out of the equation all together, but bills must be paid. Oh, to be able to one day pay the bills from my writing alone. Ah, well, perchance to dream.

Should be at work today, but I'm not well, plus DH (Dear Husband) isn't feeling too hot either, so I have to stay home and help take care of Jalen. I don't mind...I wish I could spend all my time at home. Luckily my project is almost completed and if I can get the WINISIS Database installed I should be able to complete setting up the library in another 3-4 weeks.

The water situation is a little better, in that, there is water most days from 8PM to 5AM. Of course that means doing the laundry at night or in the pre-dawn hours. Anyway, I'm grateful for small mercies, so thank you NWC...I think.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

No Water

Well, it’s now one full week without water. This is hell…literally. I’ve pile-high laundry waiting to be done. Thankfully, dear husband got enough water to wash Jalen’s (that’s our baby) clothing. I’ve waited all day to see the water truck and nothing yet, and its 9:31 PM. Well, that’s not quite true…a truck came this evening, but we were told that he was just taking water for his friend. The driver was kind enough to let us know that he was not delivering from the National Water Commission (government of Jamaica’s water company), but from a private source. I want a friend like that!!!

I called the National Water Commission’s 1-888 toll free number to get an update, and was promptly told, “They are still working on the pump, but we’ll be trucking water into the area.” Of course, the customer service rep closed by saying, “Having a nice day.” I had to remind her that was impossible after so many days without water.

I am looking forward to receiving my water bill for March; will there be a decrease in the amount I’ve to pay? Time will tell. Guess I can get some ideas for stories out of this entire situation; the proverbial making lemonade out of lemons. But, I need water to make lemonade, don’t I? That would so nice and refreshing right now with the heat (86.5 degrees F), and no opportunity to soak in a nice cool bath.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

One of those days

You know, we all have them, when nothing seems to go right and then one little deed makes it all seem insignificant. I've been off centre for a few days since my neighbourhood has been without running water since Sunday, March 13th. I'm used to frequent water disruptions, that's a way of life in some areas of Jamaica. My peeve is that you receive these high water bills and more often than not you're inconvenienced by lack of tap water. This is even worse this time around because I've a baby at home. What misery...but then I remembered those who have never ever had the luxuury of running water. So I don't have running water, but at least on Tuesday morning at 2 a.m, yep, 2 a.m, the water truck came with a delivery after almost three days of nada. But, still I have to be thankful...

Today, I am off work again because of the water situation. But it wasn't a bad day, I completed one article for a children's magazine, sent off two queries and had a bit of writing thrown in. Best of all I spent the day at home, not only with my son, but with my husband too. Yep, it was definitely one of those days.