Tuesday, April 26, 2005

God be praised

God be praised. Yesterday I had the fright of my life. I was just in time to see Jalen taking a ‘header’ out of his playpen. I have no idea that I could moved that fast…but I was able to grab him by the foot before he hit the floor. I shook all over and started bawling. Funny enough, he didn’t start crying until I did. Since he started trying to walk, it’s one scare after the other.

Jalen is teething and it sure does make him fussy sometimes. Luckily, it not prolong, so he’s back to his sunny self quickly. .

Well, I’ve been feeling much better and should be able to start back work tomorrow. I’m almost finished with the project. This will leave me more time for my writing, so that’s good. Oh, to be able to write whenever I wish. I wanted to go in today, but a number of things happened while I was getting ready. Main thing…NWC was at it again, so there was no water.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Up and Down, Up and Down...

The last few days have been up and down. I’ve been well, but I heard that a friend died. Guess things like that make you question your own mortality. I’m now determined to take better care of me. I was a vegetarian before getting pregnant last year. Around the third month I couldn’t stand vegetables and had a hankering for meat. My poor husband didn’t know what to make of my demands for jerked pork…pork, which I haven’t eaten for over twenty years. I really tried having vegetables, but my stomach rebelled and I had to eat...I mean the little one needed nourishment.

So now that the little man is approaching 9-months old, yikes, I’m getting back to vegetarianism. I didn’t know it would be so hard to resume. Of course, my darling Owen also fell off the vegetarian wagon in support of his wife…isn’t he nice? He bought a hunk of tofu a week ago which is still sitting in the fridge. Anyway, I’m only on chicken primarily, so it’s not so bad.

Oh, in case you’re wondering about my water situation, it’s a bit better, but still not over.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

What type of dog are you?

Today on my children’s writers’ group, some posed this question and a website link. Well, needless to say curiosity got the better of me, so off I went to find out what type I am. Well, I’m supposedly a Beagle.

These animals originated from England, where they were used to hunt rabbits. Apparently queen Elizabeth I had many, and was particularly fond of the now extinct Pocket Beagle. These dogs were so small; they could be carried in the pocket.

Anyway, back to me and why I’m like the Beagle personality-wise…apparently they are gentle with children. Well, that’s me…I love them to death. They’re God’s little miracles.

They are also strong and powerful; I wish…ah then again, I am STRONG and POWERFUL…I’m Woman and Mother and Wife. Of course, Sister, Aunt, Daughter…

They also make fine companions… my husband still has the jury out on that one. But my friends will agree.

I did try the test again and came up with …A Shetland Sheepdog…this is really more like me…I’m Intelligent (truly I am), sociable, faithful and obedient (not too sure about this, since I’m as stubborn as they come.

You know what…I’m a hybrid…a combination of may times.

To try the test yourself visit: http://www.gone2thedogs.com/

Have fun.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Life's Blessings

It’s hard to believe that my son is almost 8 months old. This morning his daddy said it seems as if he didn’t get enough time with him as a baby. I know how he feels, and bear in mind that his daddy has spent more time with him than I have because he works from home and I sometimes have to work onsite. Owen is just so good with him.

On a totally different note, my son is becoming more independent everyday. I’ve seen him periodically struggle to hold on and stand in the crib and playpen. He’s already so determined and has succeeded a few times in the crib, but poor little, Jalen, can only manage to kneel in his playpen. Funny enough, he is already holding on and standing with ease in the sofa. Well, what do you know…today I was out all day and the little man went ahead and stood in the playpen... Again his daddy saw one of his firsts. I’m so happy though, that his hard work has paid off.

He was so happy to see me last night when I got home…he just reached out for me with a big grin on his angelic little face. Children are truly God’s gift to us. How can someone so little control you so totally is a mystery to me. All I know is that each day I’ve something more to be grateful for and to thank God for His blessings…great and small.

Well, it’s time to start a new day with all its challenges.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Nice People...

Today I just happen to be at home because I’m not feeling well. I’m not complaining however, since I have a deadline to meet for an article, plus I have to complete some training material.

In writing this article on Prostate Cancer in the Caribbean, I found some really helpful doctors…I was a bit surprised at how willing some of them were to share their knowledge and time. The first person to respond to my request was a research scientist in the USA…Dr. Eric Small, thank you for your professionalism and willingness to assist. Also willing, and who even went beyond the call, was Dr. David Bristol in St. Lucia. What a gracious, giving human being. Also helping despite also being busy, is my own Dr. William Aiken, President of the Jamaica Urology Society. Hopefully, others will respond in like manner.

With so many persons getting caught up in the rat race, it is always nice to find that there are others who still find the time to help their fellow human beings. I guess it is these little things that let me maintain my faith in human-kind.