Sunday, December 24, 2023

When You Just Want to Stop!


It isn’t that things are not OK, but you just feel so all over EVERYTHING! It all seems like too much to do, to accomplish. I know that I am hard I can be on myself, so, I feel like I should have done so much more already.

So, sometimes, I think if you haven’t done this or that already, why bother! I think many of us have a little voice in our heads telling us that it is too late. Mine likes to scream when I am close to something good. Add to that voice, a cadre of family members and friends telling you that your dreams and aspirations are unattainable or a waste of time because of your age or the competition, or that it is something you can’t do.  

Well, I was recently feeling that it was a waste of time and energy doing some of the things I want to do. Telling myself to just ‘settle’ and wait until my time here on this earthly plain was over.  BUT I am not the type to ‘settle’; I like pushing the boundaries. I like doing.

There is still so much to see and do; so much more to accomplish. Years ago, when I started my Latebloomers Facebook page, it was to build a community of latebloomers. A safe place where those of us who are finding our purpose or another purpose later in life could come together and share and encourage each other.

I still feel that I have so much more to do, so much more to give. So, I have decided to shake off the feelings of giving up and making the most of this life! I always prided myself on being a lifelong learner. So, just for a while, I will do some things to help me get back on track. These have worked for me in the past and I hope they will work for you as well.

Tips for Restarting

  • -        I will take a break and just relax and be lazy. This is important, and if like me you like that you must always be doing something, you need to decompress.
  • I need to reconnect with nature. Gardening always regenerates me. My garden needs attention (Just writing this, I am smiling).-         
  •  I    I have not been journaling as much as I should. I love writing, but I have been slacking off – a lot!
  • I need to start creating my 2024 playlist! Music is a balm to my soul. My taste in music is quite eclectic – Reggae, Dancehall, gospel, country, rock, and classical heads the list.

Oh, did I tell you that I have gone back to learning Spanish. Being able to speak Spanish and French was something I always wanted to do and started. However, 'adulting' took precedence, but the desire to learn languages still burns bright.

As I look back on my life, I realize that every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was being redirected to something better. (Dr. Steve Maraboli, speaker and author)




Saturday, December 09, 2023


Letter to My Future Self

Dear Future Self,

Life has been a roller-coaster ride, lots of spills and thrills and in-between, but it is not over yet. So, let us have a talk as you move into this next phase of your life. It is true that you now have much less time to live than you have lived, do you really want to spend it worrying, being sad and feeling lost? Of course not! You still have lots of dreams and aspirations and there is no better time than now to kick start that future!

So, what is stopping you from thriving? Your life’s experiences have provided you with a lot of fodder to light or reignite the flames of your passions. So, what, if you have failed, you always rise again. Do not let failure stop you from moving forward. You have failed before; you have failed in big ways and little ways, but you always rise again. Be like the phoenix you so admire – be consumed by the flames of life and rise again – strong, beautiful, and yes, powerful. 

                                                             Yyordanov /

You may not go to Egypt to be an archaeologist, but you can still visit Egypt and enjoy the sights you dreamt about. You loved writing, go for it, and go for it BIG! Your travels will provide some of the fuel / ideas you need to finish your many unfinished manuscripts.

Stop being afraid. Please stop living for what others want and what others will think. This is your life; this is your future. No one can live it for you. YOU must take control of you and dig deep and come back to you.

Pick up the pencil and the watercolours and start drawing and painting again. What if you feel that you have ‘lost the talent’ – start again and rediscover the freedom and joys that being in your creative zone brings. Your creative side has languished long enough! Just do it!

Go get your hands dirty and start gardening again. Enjoy the pleasure of reaping your vegetables and seeing flowers that you tenderly care for bloom. Go and take back the barren plot of land that you created and bring it back to life. It is waiting.

One last bit of advice for you, my dear future self, stop being such a people pleaser to your own detriment. Start being a ‘you pleaser’ – do what makes your heart glad.  It is OK to say no. Remember that “NO” is a full sentence – don’t add to your no. When it really is a no, just say, no, or I can’t do this and leave it right there. It is not selfish to take care of yourself.

So dear future self, I affirm that you have this! God cleared the path, and He knows the plans He has for you (Jeremiah 29:11).

Again, I affirm, YOU HAVE THIS! Trust and belief.


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