Thursday, October 06, 2005

No, I've Not Died, I'm Still Around

No, I’ve not disappeared; just have too much going for a while. Hopefully in the next few weeks I’ll begin to get back some me time.

Since my last post, my son has turned one. It’s hard to believe that this little man came into my life all of one year ago. It’s truly amazing that someone who depended on me for so much is beginning to exert his independence. He states no quite often when we insist that he does something he doesn’t want to his. On Tuesday his pediatrician was quite amused by this ability.

He’s also quite tall for his age. Our little Jalen is also quite the chatterbox…and they are right, children live what they learn. He imitates what we do often. He also doesn’t like baby food much…he’ll refuse it, but always eats what we are eating.

Overall I have much to be thankful for, as life’s blessing come in on a daily basis once I know how to look. It’s sometimes as simple as helping a friend or listening to a love’s woes tales of sorrowing and promising that it will pass.

As for work, I’m doing what I love, even if the financial benefits are not always great. Thankfully I have a very supportive husband and that helps.

Well, I’ve much to do before calling it a night so ‘peace out’.