God be praised
God be praised. Yesterday I had the fright of my life. I was just in time to see Jalen taking a ‘header’ out of his playpen. I have no idea that I could moved that fast…but I was able to grab him by the foot before he hit the floor. I shook all over and started bawling. Funny enough, he didn’t start crying until I did. Since he started trying to walk, it’s one scare after the other.
Jalen is teething and it sure does make him fussy sometimes. Luckily, it not prolong, so he’s back to his sunny self quickly. .
Well, I’ve been feeling much better and should be able to start back work tomorrow. I’m almost finished with the project. This will leave me more time for my writing, so that’s good. Oh, to be able to write whenever I wish. I wanted to go in today, but a number of things happened while I was getting ready. Main thing…NWC was at it again, so there was no water.