Jamaica Public Service, Again
I’m so angry I could scream. I received my electricity bill from the Jamaica Public Service Company and once again the amount is staggering…a whopping five thousand plus dollars. This is just a measly $174 less than the previous month. The funniest part of it is the following:
- I foolishly put in fluorescent bulbs since they claim that it lowers usage.
- During the period billed we had 9 1/2 hours of power outages. Granted this is an estimate because it just covers the period when someone was home and was able to record the outage time. I knew there were outages when no one is home because I have an old fashion fax machine that spits out pieces of paper each time the power goes and returns.
- We rarely leave an outside light on anymore
So my question to JPS is: What am I to do to have my electricity bills at a reasonable rate? In the past two years my bill has jumped quite a lot. I really would love to know why this is happening. Sadly, consumers in Jamaica do not have much recourse to get any wrongs righted.
We’ve had so many power outages and low voltage that my computer was damage and hasn’t worked properly since. Getting touch with JPS about this would lead to so much rigmarole and stress it isn’t even worth the bother. I know because I know more than one person who has tried.
Well, apart from the headache of the electricity company, I have a lot to be thankful for. For one two hurricanes passed Jamaica without any direct hits. There were loss of life, widespread flooding and damage to infrastructure, but it could have been much worst. My heart goes out to everyone affected.
My little man, Jalen, who was named after basketball player Jalen Rose, is almost one year old. Now, I don’t know why I thought that once he was walking around I would have more time…WRONG!!! I have to be running after him at every turn since he’s now a little explorer. Of course everything must also be taste tested. But I would change anything for this glorious time with him. What a blessing he is.