Sunday, July 22, 2012

Finding Beauty in Anything

Today has been one of those days when I just want to find a corner and hide away. Everything just seems too overwhelming. Nothing seems to be going as planned, and then my son heard the ice-cream truck.  He wanted to get something. 

I stopped the truck and out he went with his dad for his treat. He came back in with a giant icicle – a Jolly Rancher. The colors were amazing – red, green, orange – dazzling and best of all, was the joy on his face as he enjoyed his treat. Just watching my child enjoying this simple pleasure changed things.

I asked for a taste having never had Jolly Rancher before – I liked it. And so, I asked to be allowed to captured a picture of this colorful treat. He was more than willing to allow me to do so. He’s loves taking pictures, so unlike his mom who rarely takes pictures of herself. 

I realized that even if the laundry wasn’t all done today, it’s not the end of the world. There is still so much to enjoy and take pleasure in. I thought of all the tragedies of the last couple of days and realized that there is still so much reason to give thanks for and be happy. 

As I grow older, I realize that I need to slow down and really smell the roses and enjoy the beauty around me. To be happy, we need to learn to see the beauty in the chaos. Just watching my son enjoy his icicle, it dawned on me that he’s not noticing that the house isn’t all spic-and-span. So why am I all bent out of shape that everything little thing isn’t in place. I continue to be amazed just how much about life and living we can learn by watching children and animal.

I will not change overnight, but I am learning incrementally to take life a little bit slower. To stop once in a while and look for the beauty in the chaos around me. To savor each moment as if it is my last – because, we just don’t know, do we?

"Inspire and find beauty in the ordinary , and you’ll find joy in unexpected places" Super Mom Blog

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At 11:48 PM, Anonymous Cheri said...

First, that popsicle looks pretty amazing! Though, with all the colors, and since it *is* Jolly Rancher, I'm going to guess also just a bit tart.

But secondly, it's a wonderful lesson to learn, to dial things back just a bit and enjoy the moment. It's a lesson most of us have to keep reminding ourselves about, but it's important, so keep working on it.

At 9:34 PM, Blogger Jessica McCurdy Crooks said...

Yes, Cheri, it was tart, but that just added to the deliciousness of it. Thank you for commenting.


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